“Red.” Henry said. He had slightly raised his voice because he liked to shake up Kristl. Sometimes he suspected her of nodding off, so he felt at obliged to wake her up. He could do no less.
“Yes?” Kristl sat up..
“And everyone is dead.” Henry continued.
“Quite dead..except for Red herself.”
“Even her lover gets killed in the end, by herself no less. Poor Red.” Henry said.
“I wonder where that kid comes from that sits on her lap at the end scene.” Kristl said, “I wonder many things. Like why make another werewolf movie?”
“That is simple. It is circle of movies. Vampires, werewolves and zombies. One after the other. We have had a vampire hype, we have zombie hype, we will probably see a werewolf hype.”
“And so on. Werewolves do get to be a bit boring, but at least they tried to add some different take to the story. I liked it that Red was not a such a tough chick with no feelings and they added this complication in that her lover was also turned into a werewolf against his will.”
“Yeah, but the low budget made it suffer. I mean when it came down to the combat scenes and showing the werewolves themselves it became quite crappy, especially in those scenes were the werewolves change shape.” Henry felt the stubs on his jaw.
“You had a rough night?” Kristl remarked.
“Yeah.. stayed up late.”
“And drank too much.”
“That too.”
“So was the movie enjoyable, considering the state you are in?”
“Well sort of. It did feel like a rip off from underworld, but a lame one.” Henry said.
“Yeah. And there was nothing remarkable about how it was filmed. I even had the feeling it was a seventies or eighties movie, but it is made in 2010.”
“There are a few nice scenes, like when she was a little girl see a werewolf attack her mother while Red is hiding up in the attic. Or when she walks into the forest clocked in a red blanket. Or wakes up after having slept in the leaves on the forest floor.” Kristl added, “Still the movie falls short in everything. For instance there is a strong reference to Little Red Riding Hood and the movie starts out like a modern version, but this is never referenced or used in any fashion. The romance is wooden and stale. And nothing is done with fact that Red is actually an FBI agent.
“And except for a few scenes, the whole cinematography technique of this movie is just sloppy. Like back lighting in the woods is a strong green hue. It is not scary, it just plain odd.”
“But it isn’t too bad a movie.” Henry said.
“Maybe not. If they had just a tad more budget, cut down on the cgi and had the actors act better it might have been decent, now it is just a less-than-decent movie.”
“A time waster really.”
“Good you had your fun yesterday.”
“Yeah, lame movies are good for recovering from hangovers.” Henry nodded his head, then regretted it.
“And to take a nap.” Kristl said, “You miss nothing when you do.”